English, asked by shriharirajput07, 2 months ago

Filling in Correct Forms of the Verl
9. Man ....
the only animal that can laugh.
10. She is
a bath.
1. The little boy
........ the plate yesterday.
12. He has .....
a bad cold.
13. I .................. a good student.
14. Mahatma Gandhi was
dead on 30th January, 1948.
15. I had never
.... such a tasty food.
16. He came after his mother
...... gone.
17. Don't go out until your father
18. Rajani ...... .... out of the town.
19. At six o'clock this morning, I ............... in the park.
20. The whole group
21. The headmaster
much disappointed
2. He
........... to Agra yesterday.
23. Mohan
24. They
..... done this work.
playing hockey.​


Answered by aieshserdenia



Complete the following sentences.


Dogs nearly always use their noses for asking questions.


The plow horse was terribly glad to find a man who could talk in horse language.


The glasses would keep the sun out of his eyes while he was plowing the fifty-acre field.


According to the horse, it takes a much cleverer man to be a really good animal doctor thanit does to be a good people’s doctor.


It became a common sight to see farm animalswearing glasses in the country round Puddleby.


Wear glasses like humans


When Dr Dolittle was away, Polynesia received a call from a cow requesting the doctor to come to visit her calf who had a leg injury. After the call, Polynesia had to go for her friend’s birthday party. Write a message in 50 words from Polynesia to the doctor.


Write it by yourself




Answer the following questions in 30-40 words each.


According to the plow horse, what does it take to become a good animal doctor?


According to the plowhorse, just anyone and everyone thinks they can treat animals, just because animals don’t complain. But it takes a much cleverer man, someone who can understand animal language in order to become an animal’s doctor.


What happened when the word spread that Dr Dolittle was going to become an animal doctor?


When the word spread that Dr Dolittle was going to become an animal doctor, old ladies began to bring him their pet pugs and poodles who had eaten too much cake and farmers came from many miles to show him sick cows and sheep.


When did Dr Dolittle change his profession from a people’s doctor to an animal doctor? (4 lines)


When Dr Dolittle learned the language of the animals and he was able to talk to them himself and understand everything they said; he gave up being a people’s doctor and became an animal doctor.




Writing from observation.


Non-verbal communication is between two or more persons through the use of facial expressions, hand movements, body language, postures and gestures. Like animals, humans also use non-verbal communication. Observe people around you and give a few instances of non-verbal communication and what they mean.



People wave or shake their hands to say hello or greet someone. Babies smile when they look at their mother, indicating recognition. They tend to cry when they are with a stranger, indicating insecurity. A smile indicates happiness while a frown indicates sadness or disappointment. While speaking if the opposite person does not show a direct eye contact, it could mean that the person either is ignoring what is being said or he/she lacks confidence. Gently patting someone’s back indicates appreciation.

                         A Pinch of Salt Workbook work


Fill in the blanks.

a) Salt is one of the oldest _______________. minerals

b)Salt has been used for thousands of years for _____________ and ______________.

seasoning, preservation

c) _____________ is deposited on the earth’s surface. Rock salt

d) __________________ method is used to produce high-purity and fine-grain salt. Vacuum evaporation

e) The British put Gandhiji and his followers into prison for breaking the ______________. salt law


Answer the following questions in 30-40 words.

a) Describe natural salt pans. (4 lines)

Ans : Naturally formed salt pans are expanses of flat land where the surface is covered in a hard-white crust of salt and other minerals. These are mainly found in deserts and other arid regions where large water bodies have dried up over thousands of years, leaving behind salt and other minerals.

b)What is vacuum evaporation? (4 lines)

Ans: Vacuum evaporation is the process in which salt water is heated in large containers called vacuum pans. This method is used to produce high-purity and fine-grain salt.

c) Why is iodine important for the growth of our body? (4 lines)

Ans: Iodine is important for the growth of our body because its deficiency causes major diseases like mental retardation and goiter.

d) Why did the British imprison Gandhiji and his followers? (4 lines)

Ans: The British imposed a salt tax and salt law in India. Gandhiji organised a ‘Salt March’ from Sabarmati Ashram in Ahmedabad to Dandi, a village on the coast of Gujarat. On 6 April 1930, Gandhiji picked up some crystals of salt from the Dandi seashore and pledged to free the country from British rule. For breaking the salt laws, the British put Gandhiji and his followers into prison.

3. Unjumble the words.

a) osineasng - ___________________ seasoning

b) encdeciyfi - __________________ deficiency

c) vaeotiopnra - ____________________ evaporation

d) gnmini - _____________________ mining

e) iisonmeprd - _____________________ imprisoned

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