find 1's and 2's compliment for -98 please step by step explanation (plz answer me soon )
Given a Binary Number as a string, print its 1’s and 2’s complements.
1’s complement of a binary number is another binary number obtained by toggling all bits in it, i.e., transforming the 0 bit to 1 and the 1 bit to 0.
1's complement of "0111" is "1000"
1's complement of "1100" is "0011"
2’s complement of a binary number is 1 added to the 1’s complement of the binary number.
2's complement of "0111" is "1001"
2's complement of "1100" is "0100" complement. We traverse the one’s complement starting from LSB (least significant bit), and look for 0. We flip all 1’s (change to 0) until we find a 0. Finally, we flip the found 0. For example, 2’s complement of “01000” is “11000” (Note that we first find one’s complement of 01000 as 10111). If there are all 1’s (in one’s complement), we add an extra 1 in the string. For example, 2’s complement of “000” is “1000” (1’s complement of “000” is “111”).
Below is the implementation.
// C++ program to print 1's and 2's complement of
// a binary number
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Returns '0' for '1' and '1' for '0'
char flip(char c) {return (c == '0')? '1': '0';}
// Print 1's and 2's complement of binary number
// represented by "bin"
void printOneAndTwosComplement(string bin)
int n = bin.length();
int i;
string ones, twos;
ones = twos = "";
// for ones complement flip every bit
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
ones += flip(bin[i]);
// for two's complement go from right to left in
// ones complement and if we get 1 make, we make
// them 0 and keep going left when we get first
// 0, make that 1 and go out of loop
twos = ones;
for (i = n - 1; i >= 0; i--)
if (ones[i] == '1')
twos[i] = '0';
twos[i] = '1';
// If No break : all are 1 as in 111 or 11111;
// in such case, add extra 1 at beginning
if (i == -1)
twos = '1' + twos;
cout << "1's complement: " << ones << endl;
cout << "2's complement: " << twos << endl;
// Driver program
int main()
string bin = "1100";
return 0;
1's complement: 0011
2's complement: 0100
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sryyy simply I said for u