Find 10 French expressions with their meanings
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Coûter les yeux de la tête
Coûter les yeux de la tête literally means that something costs the eyes in your head – it’s a price that’s unreasonable. The English equivalent is ‘to cost an arm and a leg’. Here’s an example:
J’aurais aimé acheter un nouvel ordi mais ça coûte les yeux de la tête.
I would have liked to buy a new computer but it costs an arm and a leg.
2. Boire comme un trou
Boire comme un trou literally means to drink like a hole. When you say that someone drinks like a hole, it means that they never stop, even if they should. This expression has a small hint of judgment, so be careful about when you use it. Here’s an example:
“Astrid a remarqué que Charles a bu deux bouteilles de vin hier soir. “
“Mon Dieu, il buvait comme un trou.”
“Astrid noticed that Charles drank two bottles of wine last night.”
“Oh my God, he was drinking like a fish. “
3. Ne rien savoir faire de ses dix doigts.
Ne rien savoir faire de ses dix doigts literally means not knowing how to do anything with one’s ten fingers. It means that somebody is completely useless. Here’s an example:
Laisse tomber, il ne sait rien faire de ses dix doigts, celui-là.
Forget about it, that guy is completely useless.
4. Arriver comme un cheveu sur la soupe
Arriver comme un cheveu sur la soupeliterally means to arrive like the hair in a soup. It refers to entering a situation at the most awkward moment possible. Here’s an example:
Julien et Arnaud se disputaient quand je suis arrivée – comme un cheveu sur la soupe.
Julien and Arnaud were in the middle of a fight when I got there – at the most awkward moment.
5. Mettre son grain de sel.
Mettre son grain de sel literally means to put in one’s grain of salt – to give someone an unsolicited and unnecessary opinion. Case in point, your mom offering you advice and feedback on your love life (or lack thereof). Here’s an example:
Encore une fois, elle a mis son grain de sel.
Once again, she offered an unsolicited opinion.
6. Faire la grasse matinée
Faire la grasse matinée literally means to have a fat morning. Sounds delicious, no? It actually means to sleep in – but if you’re going to sleep in, you might as well enjoy a fantastic brunch afterwards! Here’s an example:
J’ai trop bu hier soir, alors aujourd’hui, j’ai fait la grasse matinée.
I drank too much last night, so today I slept in.
7. C’est dommage
C’est dommage literally translates to ‘that’s a shame’. Imagine someone looking at a small-scale disaster and sharply exhaling in sympathy – the expression also translates to ‘that’s too bad’. Here’s an example:
C’est dommage que tu ne sois pas au courant.
It’s too bad you’re not up to speed.
8. Coup de foudre
Coup de foudre literally translates to a strike of lightning. In fact, it refers to love at first sight – one of those moments where you see a special someone, and can’t help but react immediately. Here’s an example:
Quand je t’ai vu pour la première fois, c’était le coup de foudre.
The first time I saw you, I fell head over heals.
9. Appeler un chat un chat
Appeler un chat un chat literally translates to calling a cat a cat. It’s the equivalent of telling it like it is, or calling a spade a spade in English. When you call a spade a spade, you simply see the ugly truth, and put it very bluntly. Here’s an example:
“Attends, tu veux vraiment dire qu’il est stupide?!”
“Écoute, il faut appeler un chat un chat.”
“Wait, do you actually think he’s stupid?!”
“Listen, I’m just telling it like it is.”
10. Je dis ça, je dis rien.
Je dis ça, je dis rien literally means “I say that, I say nothing.” Its English counterpart is “just saying.” You would use this expression when giving your opinion but wanting to soften the blow a bit, or not assume total responsibility for it. It also has its own Twitter hashtag: #JDCJDR! Use with caution, since it’s rather passive-aggressive. Here’s an example:
Si on ne part pas maintenant, on n’arrivera pas au spectacle à l’heure. Enfin, je dis ça, je dis rien.
If we don’t leave now, we won’t get to the show on time. Just saying…
11. Poser un lapin à quelqu’un
Poser un lapin à quelqu’un literally means ‘to put a rabbit on somebody’. The French expression sounds as silly as its English equivalent – to stand somebody up, or to not show up for something that you’ve planned. Here’s an example:
Je l’ai attendue mais elle n’est jamais arrivée – elle m’a posé un lapin!
I waited for her but she never came – she stood me up!
12. Ça marche!
Coûter les yeux de la tête literally means that something costs the eyes in your head – it’s a price that’s unreasonable. The English equivalent is ‘to cost an arm and a leg’. Here’s an example:
J’aurais aimé acheter un nouvel ordi mais ça coûte les yeux de la tête.
I would have liked to buy a new computer but it costs an arm and a leg.
2. Boire comme un trou
Boire comme un trou literally means to drink like a hole. When you say that someone drinks like a hole, it means that they never stop, even if they should. This expression has a small hint of judgment, so be careful about when you use it. Here’s an example:
“Astrid a remarqué que Charles a bu deux bouteilles de vin hier soir. “
“Mon Dieu, il buvait comme un trou.”
“Astrid noticed that Charles drank two bottles of wine last night.”
“Oh my God, he was drinking like a fish. “
3. Ne rien savoir faire de ses dix doigts.
Ne rien savoir faire de ses dix doigts literally means not knowing how to do anything with one’s ten fingers. It means that somebody is completely useless. Here’s an example:
Laisse tomber, il ne sait rien faire de ses dix doigts, celui-là.
Forget about it, that guy is completely useless.
4. Arriver comme un cheveu sur la soupe
Arriver comme un cheveu sur la soupeliterally means to arrive like the hair in a soup. It refers to entering a situation at the most awkward moment possible. Here’s an example:
Julien et Arnaud se disputaient quand je suis arrivée – comme un cheveu sur la soupe.
Julien and Arnaud were in the middle of a fight when I got there – at the most awkward moment.
5. Mettre son grain de sel.
Mettre son grain de sel literally means to put in one’s grain of salt – to give someone an unsolicited and unnecessary opinion. Case in point, your mom offering you advice and feedback on your love life (or lack thereof). Here’s an example:
Encore une fois, elle a mis son grain de sel.
Once again, she offered an unsolicited opinion.
6. Faire la grasse matinée
Faire la grasse matinée literally means to have a fat morning. Sounds delicious, no? It actually means to sleep in – but if you’re going to sleep in, you might as well enjoy a fantastic brunch afterwards! Here’s an example:
J’ai trop bu hier soir, alors aujourd’hui, j’ai fait la grasse matinée.
I drank too much last night, so today I slept in.
7. C’est dommage
C’est dommage literally translates to ‘that’s a shame’. Imagine someone looking at a small-scale disaster and sharply exhaling in sympathy – the expression also translates to ‘that’s too bad’. Here’s an example:
C’est dommage que tu ne sois pas au courant.
It’s too bad you’re not up to speed.
8. Coup de foudre
Coup de foudre literally translates to a strike of lightning. In fact, it refers to love at first sight – one of those moments where you see a special someone, and can’t help but react immediately. Here’s an example:
Quand je t’ai vu pour la première fois, c’était le coup de foudre.
The first time I saw you, I fell head over heals.
9. Appeler un chat un chat
Appeler un chat un chat literally translates to calling a cat a cat. It’s the equivalent of telling it like it is, or calling a spade a spade in English. When you call a spade a spade, you simply see the ugly truth, and put it very bluntly. Here’s an example:
“Attends, tu veux vraiment dire qu’il est stupide?!”
“Écoute, il faut appeler un chat un chat.”
“Wait, do you actually think he’s stupid?!”
“Listen, I’m just telling it like it is.”
10. Je dis ça, je dis rien.
Je dis ça, je dis rien literally means “I say that, I say nothing.” Its English counterpart is “just saying.” You would use this expression when giving your opinion but wanting to soften the blow a bit, or not assume total responsibility for it. It also has its own Twitter hashtag: #JDCJDR! Use with caution, since it’s rather passive-aggressive. Here’s an example:
Si on ne part pas maintenant, on n’arrivera pas au spectacle à l’heure. Enfin, je dis ça, je dis rien.
If we don’t leave now, we won’t get to the show on time. Just saying…
11. Poser un lapin à quelqu’un
Poser un lapin à quelqu’un literally means ‘to put a rabbit on somebody’. The French expression sounds as silly as its English equivalent – to stand somebody up, or to not show up for something that you’ve planned. Here’s an example:
Je l’ai attendue mais elle n’est jamais arrivée – elle m’a posé un lapin!
I waited for her but she never came – she stood me up!
12. Ça marche!
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