Math, asked by jaffar786, 3 months ago

Find 21 ⅗% of 300 km

21 \: 3 \div 5 \times 300


Answered by sheeb12ansari

Given: 21\ \frac{3}{5}\% \ of\ 300

We have to solve the above equation.

  • As we know that a percentage is a fraction of an amount is expressed as a particular number of hundredths of that amount.
  • It is denoted by a symbol%.
  • For example, 5%means\frac{5}{100}.
  • By using the unitary method we are calculating the percentage of numbers.
  • As we know fractions can be converted into percentages and vice-versa.
  • And percentages are reversible.  
  • For example, 50 \% \ of\  60 is the same as60 \% \ of\  50.

We are solving in the following way:

We have,

21\ \frac{3}{5}\% \ of\ 300

=>\frac{105+3}{5} \%\ of\ 300\\\\=>\frac{108}{5} \%\ of\ 300\\\\=>\frac{108}{5}\times \frac{1}{100}\times 300\\\\=>\frac{27}{125} \times 300\\\\=>\frac{324}{5}

Hence, 21\ \frac{3}{5}\% \ of\ 300is\frac{324}{5}.

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