find a cubic polynomial with the sum sum of product of its zeroes taken two at a time and product of its zeros as 3, -1, -3 respectively
Step-by-step explanation:
find cubic polynomial with the sum, sum of the product of its zeros taken two at a time, and product of its zeros as 5, -2, -24 respectively.
Found 2 solutions by josgarithmetic, ikleyn:
Answer by josgarithmetic(33072) (Show Source): You can put this solution on YOUR website!
Let these be the roots: p, r, v.
The description is this system:
This is not a linear system, and solving it may take many steps. I have not gone further.
Answer by ikleyn(31566) (Show Source): You can put this solution on YOUR website!
find cubic polynomial with the sum, sum of the product of its zeros taken two at a time, and product of its zeros as 5, -2, -24 respectively.
Let this polynomial be
p(x) = x%5E3+%2B+ax%5E2+%2B+bx+%2B+c = %28x-x%5B1%5D%29%2A%28x-x%5B2%5D%29%2A%28x-x%5B3%5D%29,
and x%5B1%5D, x%5B2%5D and x%5B3%5D are its roots.
Then, as you can check by performing multiplication and opening the parentheses,
a = -%28x%5B1%5D+%2B+x%5B2%5D+%2B+x%5B3%5D%29 = -5,
b = x%5B1%5D%2Ax%5B2%5D+%2B+x%5B1%5D%2Ax%5B3%5D+%2B+x%5B2%5D%2Ax%5B3%5D = -2,
c = -x%5B1%5D%2Ax%5B2%5D%2Ax%5B3%5D = 24.
So, the polynomial is p(x) = x%5E3+-+5x%5E2++-+2x+%2B+24.
A cubic polynomial say, f(x) is of the form ax3 + bx2 + cx + d.
And, can be shown w.r.t its relationship between roots as.
⇒ f(x) = k [x3 – (sum of roots)x2 + (sum of products of roots taken two at a time)x – (product of roots)]
Where, k is any non-zero real number.
f(x) = k [x3 – (3)x2 + (-1)x – (-3)]
∴ f(x) = k [x3 – 3x2- x + 3)]
where, k is any non-zero real number.