Find any two examples of redox reaction which you observe in your daily life.
Also give reason and preventive measures in both.
1) Respiration:
Cellular respiration which is the ultimate source of energy in human beings encompasses a series of redox reactions. So, the food that we consume is converted into energy by redox reactions only.
role of redox reaction in photosynthesis
During the process of respiration, the carbon-dioxide is reduced whereas the water is oxidised to form oxygen.
2) Combustion:
Combustion forms the classic example of redox reactions in real-life. However, whenever we talk about combustion, we usually view it as a physical change than a chemical one. The burning of organic material and combustion of hydrocarbons in fossil fuels form yet another important example of redox reactions. The oxygen present in the atmosphere bonds with carbon and hydrogen present in the compound being burned. During the process of combustion, the oxygen present in the atmosphere is being