find correlation. fossils paleontological Evidence Appendix
Darwin's theory of evolution is the central theme of biology and also all the theories of evolution. Paleontology (study of fossils) provides the convincing, direct and clear-cut evidences for evolution. Darwin declared: " he, who rejects these views on the nature of geological record, would rightly reject his whole theory " . However, diverse literature confirmed that the more common plant fossils are imprints of leaves and are identical to their existing forms. Invertebrate rare form fossils but those formed are identical to their presented form. The entire vertebrate fossils are fragmentary bones. For example, fossils of dinosaurs are thigh bones, arm bones, teeth, footprints, bites etc; fossils of ancestors of humans are skull fragments, teeth, jaws etc. Transitional fossil is absent. Claimed transitional fossils of Archaeopteryx and Seymouria are not transitional at all; they are true bird and true reptile, respectively. Darwin himself declared there is no transitional fossils and transitional existing animal. Additionally, the obtained fossils are fossils of existing organisms or extinct organisms, which formed during the universal floods. Moreover, origin of the first life, arising period of other organisms and the age of earth are determined by the assumptions only, as it overlooks 3.5 billion years. Extinction of living organisms never produces new species; if produce there is no need of biodiversity conservation law. Moreover, the fossil evidences, especially living fossils oppose the continuity and the idea of evolution. Besides, fossil evidences oppose human evolution (Descent of Man) is not from the chimpanzee; Russel Wallace (co-discoverer of natural selection) also believes it. Even, Darwin himself declared that 'Descent of Man' can not explain by science but he believes it, as Lamarck, who long ago came to this conclusion. But believe is not science as believe in God is not science. Lamarck's theory is never accepted by the modern biologists. Moreover, paleontological evidence indicates that human has been evolved 4-5 million years ago but recent genetic research indicates that modern human have been emerged about 100-200 thousand years ago only, which again oppose evolution of human is not from the lower animal. Based on absent of transitional fossils two American scientists Gould and Eldredge completely rejected the Darwin's theory of gradual evolution and human evolution in their several research papers by declaring " invalid claims of gradualism made at the wrong scale with adequate data. Phyletic gradualism was an a priori assertion from the start-it was never "seen" in the rocks. It expressed the cultural and political biases of 19th century liberalism " . Consequently, the fathers of modern paleontologists and geologists opposed evolution. King and Wilson, and Sverdlov confirmed their researches that the genomes of chimpanzees and humans are very similar and their DNA sequences overall are 98% identical. Their researches are accurate and satisfactory. But it does not indicate evolution of human is from the lower animal like chimpanzee. Morris also supports this by many scientific logics. So, why does man unscientifically relate them with the lower animal like chimpanzee/ape as their ancestor, who eats it own excreta?