Math, asked by maazkazi902, 1 year ago

Find greatest 3 digit no exactly divisible by 8,10,12


Answered by mdevan
take LCM of 8,10,12 first
LCM = 120

Greatest 3 digit number is 999
so we have to find the number closest to 999 and which is also exactly divisible by 120

multiplying with various factors 1,2,3,4,........
we get the number closest to 999 divisible by 120 is 960 by multiplying 120 by 8

960 will be the greatest 3 digit number divisible by 8, 10,12 all of them
Answered by Shaizakincsem

Thank you for asking this question. Here is your answer:

First we will find LCM of 8,10 and 12

For this we will get 120

The greater number that is exactly divisible by 8,10,12

120 x 8 = 960

120 x 10 = 1200

120 x 12 = 1440

So the three digit number is 960

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