Find HCF by the division method and reduce to the simplest form : 248/492 with photi
We have to find the HCF of 248 and 492. Let us use the prime factorization method. Firstly, we have to write each number as a product of its prime factors. Let us consider 248. We can write 248 in its prime factorization form as
Now let us consider 492.
Now, we have to list the common factors of both the numbers.
Common factors of 248 and 492 are 22 .
The product of all common prime factors is the HCF. We have to use the lower power of each common factor.
Therefore, HCF of 248 and 492 is 22=2×2=4
Step-by-step explanation:
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while doing HCF of 248 /492 so first right 248 is devices into one time then subtract 492 - 248 that is 244 then this is a reminder now in HCF 248 comes and divided to 244 the 244 comes at one time 244 because 240 days is not divisible by 244 now the remainder is 4 then put to 44 divided by 4 and now 46 is equals to 24 and then put four down then 4 ×1=4 now no reminder is there so we get the answer that is 4