Math, asked by bhuvvimasand18, 1 year ago

find highest common factor of 21x^2 y and 35xy^2


Answered by rajnitiwari192003



Hope it will help you

Answered by knjroopa

Step-by-step explanation:

          Given Find highest common factor of 21x^2 y and 35xy^2

  • We need to find the highest common factor or the greatest common factor of the given algebraic expression.
  • So the given numbers are 21 x^2 y and 35 x y^2
  • So we need to find the factors of the given numbers and then find the common factor. So we have
  • 21 x^2 y
  • So the factors are 3 x 7 X x X x X y
  • 35 x y^2
  • So the factors are 5 x 7 X x X y X y
  • So the common factor will be 7 x y

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