find mean of 12 number is 4o and each number is divided by 8 find new mean
Its quite simple.
40 divided by half is 20.
Now add 12 to it. Thats 32.
Dividing 32 by 8 makes it 4.
So the answer is 4. Tick the answer.
Result: Oops, I made a silly mistake in urgency. I should have done this easily. I always do this.
And then you start cursing yourself thinking that you are the only idiot in the world who would've made this mistake.
But nevermind. You won't commit the same mistake again. You will be more careful the next time, trust me. And someone who hasnt done this mistake yet, would later do it someday.
And so, the bottom line is
Feel free to do things. Commit mistakes. But don't get harsh on yourself. You learn through them. And the earlier you start committing mistakes, the better it is. Because you give yourself a chance to make errors which makes your mind less pressurised.
And by the way, the answer is 11.5.ation: