Find out 10 interesting/ facts about human heart.
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- Size of fist
- beats about 115,000 times per day
- pumps about 2,000 gallons of blood per day
- can continue beating even when dis connected from the body
- first open heart surgury in 1893
- Youngest person to recieve heart surgury 1 min old
- earliest case of heart desiese was found in the remains of a 3,500 year old mummy
- most heart attack happen on Monday
- Christmas day is the most common day of the year for heart attacks to happen
- weighs less than 1 pound
- mans heart weight 2 ounces more than a womens heart.
Answered by
- An adult fist is around the size of the typical heart.
- On an average day, your heart will beat 115,000 times.
- The opening and shutting of your heart's valves produce its thumping sound.
- Your heart pumps around 2,000 litres of blood every day.
- Your blood artery system would stretch for more than 60,000 kilometres if you stretched it out.
- A man's heart is generally two ounces heavier than a woman's.
- The heart rate of a woman is somewhat higher than that of a male.
- A shattered heart exists. Although the symptoms are similar to those of a heart attack, stress, rather than heart disease, is typically to blame.
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