Find out about the effects of excessive use of mobiles,electronic games,Lap-tops etc.on congnitive and motor skills of children ,learning problems,speech or language delay and vision. Also mention precautions for safe use of these gadgets.
A number of studies have shown that exposure to the radiofrequency waves emitted from these devices can cause various health problems, including:
- Direct brain warming after prolonged use, which disperses as soon as you stop using the phone and causes no harm
- Slightly raised blood pressure at the time of use, however, pressure returns to normal when use is stopped
- Mild fatigue after prolonged use
- Tumours – glioma, meningioma, or non-central nervous system tumours
- Cancer - Researchers are still not clear whether radiofrequency radiation might be able to cause cancer. But tissue damage through heat radiation can promote the cellular mutations and increase your long-term risk of developing cancer.
Furthermore, as mentioned earlier, the IARC has classified radiofrequency fields as “possibly carcinogenic to humans,” based on limited evidence of a possible increase in risk of brain tumors among cell phone users, and inadequate evidence for other types of cancer.
The health risk is considered to be small, but some individuals - such as children, pregnant women, and sick people - may be more susceptible to radiation than others. Moreover, common sense tells us that precaution should be taken when using them.