find out about the Government water supply department and write its function
The water supply and sanitation in India has increased greatly from 1980 to present. Still, many people lack access to clean water, toilets, and sewage infrastructure. Various government programs at national, state, and community level have brought rapid improvements in sanitation and the drinking water supply. These various programs are ongoing.
The water supply and sanitation in India has increased greatly from 1980 to present. Still, many people lack access to clean water, toilets, and sewage infrastructure. Various government programs at national, state, and community level have brought rapid improvements in sanitation and the drinking water supply. These various programs are ongoing.
India: Water and Sanitation
Flag of India.svg
Access to basic water source
92.67% (2019)[1][2]
Access to basic sanitation
98.9% (2019)[3]
Average urban water use (liter/capita/day)
126 (2006)[4]
Average urban water and sewer bill for 20m3
US$2 (2007)[5]
Share of household metering
55 percent in urban areas (1999)[6]
Share of collected wastewater treated
27% (2003)[7]
Annual investment in water supply and sanitation
US$5 / capita[8]