find out how applications filled with microprocessor can be controlled and activated by web enabled devices such as smart phones
A microprocessor is an electronic component that is used by a computer to do its work. It is a central processing unit on a single integrated circuit chip containing millions of very small components including transistors, resistors, and diodes that work together
I a device needs to be controlled remotely it requires two things.
A receiver
The radio receiver allows the device to receive radio signals. When the signals are received it acts on them, usually doing what they are command to do.
A Transmitter
The device needs to be able to talk back to the controller telling it that the signal was received, and also probably telling the controller that the task has been completed.
Here is an example. The I have in my home are . Z-wave is a special communications protocol which requires a hub to control. I have a plugged into my wifi router. When I want the light to turn on I can open up the on my phone and tell the switch to turn on. The hub then sends out the signal to the z-wave light switch and the light turns on.
To go one step further my also connects to SmartThings. When I go to bed at night (in the next ten minutes) I climb into bed and say “Ok Google, goodnight” at which point in time the Google Home tells SmartThings that I want all the lights off. The SmartThings Hub send the all the signals through the z-wave network telling the lights to turn off.
Z-wave is only one of many technologies which allow smart devices to communicate. My Sister has wifi based light switches in her house and they work just fine without a hub to control them. Possible drawbacks to this is too many devices on her wifi, which could cause slow downs.