find out how issues like dowry and child labour were brought to the notice of the parliment . what process was adopted for the enactment of law against these social evils
Children are the future of the country and they need specials protection because of their age, physical and mental faculties. In a civilized society the importance of child cannot be over emphasized, because the welfare of the entire community, its growth and development, depends on the health and well being of its children. Children are a supremely more important national asset and the future well being of as nation depends upon how its children grow and develop.
The child of today cannot develop to be a responsible and productive member of tomorrow's society unless an environment which is conducive to his social and physical health is assured to him.
Every nation, developed or developing, links its future with the status of the child. Childhood holds the potential and also sets the limit to the future development of the society. Children are the greatest gift to humanity. Mankind has the best hold of itself. The parents themselves live for them. They embody the joy of life in them and in the innocence relieving the fatigue and drudgery in their struggle of daily life. Parents regain peace and happiness in the company of the children. The children signify eternal optimism in the human being and always provide the potential for human development. If the children are better equipped with a broader human output, the society will feel happy with them.