Find out the first 30 elements in the periodic table. prepare a table [1\2 chart to be used] that contains all these 30 elements with their symbols ,atomic number,mass number and electronic configuration and write it down neatly in the chart
First 30 elements in the periodic table are given below.
First 30 elements in the periodic table are given below.
Atomic number Element
1 Hydrogen
2 Helium
3 Lithium
4 Beryllium
5 Boron
6 Carbon
7 Nitrogen
8 Oxygen
9 Fluorine
10 Neon
11 Sodium
12 Magnesium
13 Aluminium
14 Silicon
15 Phosphorus
16 Sulfur
17 Chlorine
18 Argon
19 Potassium
20 Calcium
21 Scandium
22 Titanium
23 Vanadium
24 Chromium
25 Manganese
26 Iron
27 Cobalt
28 Nickel
29 Copper
30 Zinc