find out the minimum distance between obstacle and source of sound for hearing distinct echo mention any three uses of multiple reflection of sound
Prove that for hearing distinct echo, minimum distance of the obstacle from source of sound must be 17.2m at 22 Celsius in air [given speed of sound 344m/s]. Answer: As the sensation of sound persists in our brain for about 0.1 s, to hear a distinct echo the time interval between the original sound and the reflected one must be at least 0.1s. If we take the speed of sound to be 344 m/s at a given temperature, say at 22 ºC in air, sound must go to the obstacle and reach back the ear of the listener on reflection after 0.1s. Hence, the total distance covered by the sound from the point of generation to the reflecting surface and back should be at least (344 m/s) ×0.1 s = 34.4 m. Thus, for hearing distinct echoes, the minimum distance of the obstacle from the source of sound must be half of this distance. I.e., 34.4/2 = 17.2 m [given speed of sound 344m/s]
the minimum distance for echo to take place 17.2 m
-multiple reflection of sound is used to hear heart beat by stethoscope
-it is used in megaphone and loudspeaker
-it is used to know the depth of the sea