Find out which song dances festivals and special food preparation associated with certain season in your region do they have some community with other region of India ? Answer
A. Dances :
(i)Bharatnatyam : This dance has been able to retain the principles enunciated in Bharata's Natya Bhasha. It has survived in the precincts of South Indian temples. It is a solo dance by women. It begins will Alarlppels (a prelude) followed by series of dance moods, rendered in varrying style and tempo. Kerala, Tamil Nadu states are the
- regions where this dance is performed.
(ii)Manipuri : As the name itself implies, this dance is originated from Manipur state of India. Only movement of body and not codified gestures and expressions are incorporated with this dance. The dancer puts on a gorgeous dress covering her face with a neil and a skirt embedded with mirrors.
iii)Kathkali : This dance is performed in Kerala state. A story is expressed through the gestures and expressions with this dance. It embodies in a high degree the principles laid down in the ancient Hindu seriptures of dance and drama.
(iv) Kathak : It is performed in north India (Delhi, Haryana, U.P., Rajasthan etc.). It was patronised by the rulers of the north Indian perincely states during the British regime.