Find specific heat of a gas using joule's differential steam calorie meter
✷Specific Heat of A Gas by Joly's Differential Steam Caloriemeter.
✷The sketch of Joly's differential steam caloriemeter is shown in Fig. 3.6 by which specific heat of a gas can be determined.✷ The calorimeter consists of two parts, the upper part is a balance having two scale pans A and B from which two hollow copper spheres S and R of equal thermal capacities are suspended in lower steam chamber by fine platinum wires through narrow holes as shown in the figure. C is the pointer of the balance. D and E are the bases placed over the lower steam .
chamber or which balance stands.
✷N and P are two catch pans of same mass to collect condensed steam from S and R.
✷L and M are two shields to save S and R from any condensed steam from above.
✷H and R