find that 941 is a perfect square or not by prime factorisation give full method ........
no it is not a perfect square
By long division method, we can check out whether 941 is a perfect square or not.
Long division method is attached with the answer.
Or, let another method be preferred.
If a perfect square has the ones digit 1, or if it ends in 1, then the square root of this perfect square shall end in either 1 or 9.
Thus, as the square root end in either 1 or 9, first let's assume that the square root of 941 also ends in 1. Let it be 10x + 1.
Solving this quadratic equation, we won't get integer solutions.
Oh, here the square root of 941 also seems in the solution!!!
So, let another method be shown.
Writing the LHS and RHS decimally by splitting the digits by a slash /
[Note: Slash / is used here to split the digits of the integer. Keep in mind that slash is not used for division.]
From this we get that the tens digit is the square of a number and the ones digit is double that number. But the digits of 94 can be split in many ways in some instances.
94 can be written decimally as 9/4.
94 can be written decimally as 4/54.
94 can be written decimally as 1/84.
Each three case is not possible. Especially the last two cases have no chances for being possible!
Hence found that 941 is not a square of an integer which ends in 1.
Now let's assume that the square root of 941 ends in 9. Let it be 10x + 9.
Here the square root of 941 also seems in the solution.
We get no unique solutions for this splitting.
Hence found that 941 is not a perfect square of an integer which ends in 9 too.