Physics, asked by lucabrasi1490, 5 months ago

Find the average energy and speed of electron at 0k if it fermi energy is 10ev in 3d box




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Relationship between Fermi Energy and Average Energy

energy electrons semiconductor-physics

Electrons are in a one dimensional box of length 2L. What is the relationship between Ef, the fermi energy and E, the average energy?

The answer is Ef/3

I looked up the formula for the relationship: all im getting is

Eav = E0 + (3/5)*Ef

Where do I put the 2L?

This is for a board exam review for mechanical engineering; in our country, we're required to pass an exam before we can get our licence to operate. Fermi levels, semiconductor physics and other quantum mechanical topics were not taught in my regular curriculum and I therefore lack the most of the background to understand what is really happening.

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