Find the correlation between the trade winds and the location of prominent deserts like Sahara,atacama
The areas which contain a very less amount of rainfall and the temperature of that particular areas are very high are called as trade wind deserts.
Sahara Desert is a type of trade wind desert.
Trade winds are type of heavy dry winds with hot air and blow away on the surface of the desert..
The trade winds that blow over the Sahara and Atacama Desert that lie on either side of the ‘horse latitudes’ at 30° to 35° North and South. These places experience subtropical anticyclone kind of climate.
The winds blowing in these regions are dry air winds which blow from the higher-altitudes toward the poles. These places are normally away from the sea, therefore, the winds do not carry much moisture. These deserts lie in the middle of the latitudes between 30° and 50° North and South.