Find the different fractions between one and two and see their category.
To find a fraction between two fractions, all we need to do is make the sum of the numerators be the new numerator, and the sum of the denominators be the new denominator.

Before exploring the types of fractions, let us recall fractions. A fraction is a portion or part of any quantity out of a whole, where the whole can be any number, a specific value, or a thing. In many real-time situations, each and every quantity to be measured cannot be an absolute whole number. Hence, we may have to deal with parts of a whole or portions of a whole. This is where the concept of fractions comes in. In this lesson, let us learn about different types of fractions such as proper and improper fractions, mixed fractions, equivalent fractions, like and unlike fractions.
What are Types of Fractions?
A fraction consists of two parts, the numerator, and the denominator. The numerator is the number that is placed on the top, while the number that is placed on the bottom is called the denominator. The numerator indicates the number of parts that are being considered, whereas, the denominator indicates the total number of parts in the whole.
Although there are many types of fractions, the three main types of fractions that are differentiated on the basis of the numerator and the denominator are:
Proper fractions
Improper fractions
Mixed fractions