find the effect on price in the absence of effective transport system kohlrabi in Nagaland
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1.there is a need to inter link with the world because exchange the technology togetherly to sustain development,and when our country faces the tuff times like disasters ect...we cannot face such situations lonely
we need a helping hand others will help when we have
good relation and communication with them so we have to interlink with the world.
2.Tranportation and communication are important for socio economic progress because people needs to travel to different places for different needs suppose a business man wants to exapand his business to other
place then he needs to visit a place for expanding the business then he needs a means of tranport ,and communication is important because suppose the same
business man wants control his staff by ordering them or
addressing them what to do for this he needs communication
3.Trading means exchanging the goods with other countries it gives a lot of money/income for the country in this way trade strenthens our economy.