Physics, asked by kiahalh2, 5 months ago

Find the energy when a proton emitted from Flourine.Also find the energy when neutron emitted from Flourine.How these energies are different from each other.
Please explain this​


Answered by bhavisr


By the method of closed energy cycles, it is possible to use measured radioactive-energy-release (Q) values for alpha and beta decay to calculate the energy release for unmeasured transitions. An illustration is provided by the cycle of four nuclei below:

In this cycle, energies from two of the alpha decays and one beta decay are measurable. The unmeasured beta-decay energy for bismuth-211, Qβ−(Bi), is readily calculated because conservation of energy requires the sum of Q values around the cycle to be zero. Thus, Qβ−(Bi) + 7.59 − 1.43 − 6.75 = 0. Solving this equation gives Qβ−(Bi) = 0.59 MeV. This calculation by closed energy cycles can be extended from stable lead-207 back up the chain of alpha and beta decays to its natural precursor uranium-235 and beyond. In this manner the nuclear binding energies of a series of nuclei can be linked together. Because alpha decay decreases the mass number A by 4, and beta decay does not change A, closed α−β-cycle calculations based on lead-207 can link up only those nuclei with mass numbers of the general type A = 4n + 3, in which n is an integer. Another, the 4n series, has as its natural precursor thorium-232 and its stable end product lead-208. Another, the 4n + 2 series, has uranium-238 as its natural precursor and lead-206 as its end product.In early research on natural radioactivity, the classification of isotopes into the series cited above was of great significance because they were identified and studied as families. Newly discovered radioactivities were given symbols relating them to the family and order of occurrence therein. Thus, thorium-234 was known as UX1, the isomers of protactinium-234 as UX2 and UZ, uranium-234 as UII, and so forth. These original symbols and names are occasionally encountered in more recent literature but are mainly of historical interest. The remaining 4n + 1 series is not naturally occurring but comprises well-known artificial activities decaying down to stable thallium-205.

To extend the knowledge of nuclear binding energies, it is clearly necessary to make measurements to supplement the radioactive-decay energy cycles. In part, this extension can be made by measurement of Q values of artificial nuclear reactions. For example, the neutron-binding energies of the lead isotopes needed to link the energies of the four radioactive families together can be measured by determining the threshold gamma-ray energy to remove a neutron (photonuclear reaction); or the energies of incoming deuteron and outgoing proton in the reaction can be measured to provide this information


pls mark brain list and thanks for following ❤❤

Answered by TheQuantumMan


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