English, asked by amsavarthini29, 1 year ago

find the figure of speech in the poem linee
The Ant and the Cricket
1)Not a crumb to be found
On the snow-covered ground;
Not a flower he could see
Not a leaf on a tree.
2)Him shelter grom rain.
And a mouth full of grain.
He wished only to borrow;
He'd repay it tomorrow;


Answered by Ramneek10


1) It means the whole ground and everything was covered with snow such that he can't even see the flowers and leaves.

2) The cricket neither had shelter nor food. He wished that someone could lend him food and shelter. He wanted to borrow as he would promise them to return.

Answered by ruchibs1810


The correct answer to the given question regarding the figure of speech for the given poem lines from the poem "The Ant and the Cricket" are as follows:

  1. personification
  2. personification


As per the given question,

The figure of speech for the given poem lines are as follows:

1. In the these lines, the grasshopper is compared with a human-like qualities. Hence it is personification.

2. In the these lines, the grasshopper is compared with a human-like qualities. Hence it is personification.

Personification - comparing non-human things with human qualities.

Figure of speech -

  • The language that uses figure of speech is figurative language.
  • While in literal language, the exact meanings are conveyed.
  • It is opposite to the figurative language.

Types of figures of speech used commonly:

  1. Personification - non- human things with human attributes.
  2. Alliteration - repetition of consonant sounds
  3. Hyperbole - exaggeration with excitement
  4. Irony - subverts the expectation of the readers
  5. Metaphor - compare with dissimilar things of more vivid imagination.
  6. Oxymoron -two contradictory words creates a meaning
  7. Simile - compares two dissimilar things with the usage of 'as' or 'like'
  8. Apostrophe -  indicate something not present.

To learn more about 'The Ant and the Cricket' from the given links.




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