find the fraction which is doubled when 2 is added to both numerator and denominator dribbled when 8 is added to both numerator and denominator
We have been given that on adding 2 to both numerator and denominator of a fraction, it becomes 9/11.
On adding 3 to both numerator and denominator of a fraction, it becomes 5/6.
We need to find the fraction.
Let the numberator be x and denominator be y.
Now, according to the question we have
On cross multiplying the terms, we have
Also, when 3 is added to both numerator and denominator, the fraction becomes 5/6. We have
When y = 9, therefore
Hence, the fraction is 7/9.
☆ Hii Friend! ☆
Step-by-step explanation:
☆ Question:
Find the fraction which is doubled when 2 is added to both numerator and denominator dribbled when 8 is added to both numerator and denominator.
☆ Solution:
=》Let the Numerator of the fraction be 'x' and denominator be 'y'.
=》According to the condition
=》x + 2 / y + 2 = 2x/y