Find the g.c.d of 826 and 1890. With explanation
The instructions to find the GCF of 826 and 1890 are the next:
1. Decompose all numbers into prime factors
826 2 413 7 59 59 1 1890 2 945 3 315 3 105 3 35 5 7 7 1
2. Write all numbers as the product of its prime factors
Prime factors of 826 = 2 . 7 . 59
Prime factors of 1890 = 2 . 33 . 5 . 7
3. Choose the common prime factors with the lowest exponent
Common prime factors: 2 , 7
Common prime factors with the lowest exponent: 21, 71
4. Calculate the Greatest Common Factor or GCF
Remember, to find the GCF of several numbers you must multiply the common prime factors with the lowest exponent.
GCF = 21. 71 = 14
G.C.D of 826 and 1890 is 14.
826 and 1890.
To find,
G.C.D of 826,1890.
The full form of H.C.F. is the Highest Common Factor.
G.C.D. stands for Greatest Common Divisor.
We can find G.C.D in different methods, like Long Division Method, Prime Factorization Method and Listing Common Factors.
G.C.D. of two or more given numbers is the greatest factor that divides the numbers.
Prime Factorization Method is used here.
The prime factors of 826: 2,7,59
1890: 2,,5,7
The common prime factor is 2,7 means 14
We can use any other method to find the G.C.D. of given numbers but the answer will be the same.
G.C.D of 826 and 1890 is 14.