Find the greatest number of four digits which is exactly divisible by 16,24,28,35
Greatest number of 4- digits is 9999.
(Divide 9999 by 1680)
The remainder is 1599.
Required number= 9999 - 1599
= 8400
Ans.=8400 is the greatest number of 4- digits that is exactly divisible by 16,24,28 and 35.
Greatest 4-digit number exactly divisible by the given divisors is 8400
Divisor = 16,24,28,35
Greatest 4-digit number exactly divisible by the given divisors.
We can simply solve the above problem as follows;
To calculate the number exactly divisible by 16,24,28,35 we will first calculate the LCM of the given number
2 |16, 24, 28, 35
2 |4, 12, 14, 35
2 |2, 6, 7, 35
2|1, 3, 7, 35
3 |1, 1, 7, 35
7 |1, 1, 1, 5
5 |1, 1, 1, 1
LCM = 2×2×2×2×3×5×7 = 1680
Now, This is the smallest 4-digit number exactly divisible by the given numbers.
We know that the highest 4-digit number is 9999
Number divisible by given numbers = 9999/1680
The remainder is 8400.
Hence, Greatest 4-digit number exactly divisible by the given divisors is 8400