Find the greatest number which when divides 590, 908 and 1014 leaves same remainder each time
Reminder didn't give so
1014 - 908 = 106
1014 - 590 = 424
908 - 590 = 318
HCF of 106, 424, 318 = 106
106 is the greatest number
The greatest number which when divides 590, 908 and 1014 leaves same remainder each time is 106.
Given: 590, 908 and 1014
To find: Find the greatest number which when divides 590, 908 and 1014 leaves same remainder each time.
Step 1: Subtract the numbers.
Remainder is not given.
In this case find the difference of two-2 numbers.
Step 2: Do prime factors of numbers obtained in step 1.
Step 3: Find HCF of 318,424 and 106.
From prime factors of the numbers, find the HCF of these numbers.
106 is the greatest number which when divides 590, 908 and 1014 leaves same remainder each time.
Learn more:
1) Find the greatest number that divides 79115 and 163, leaving remainder 7 in each case
2) Find the greatest number that will divide 55,75,113 leaving the remainder 7,3,5 respectively