Find the HCF and LCM of the following numbers by division Method.
14 and 21
HCF of 14,21
factors of 14=2×7
factors of 21=3×7
Highest Common Factor(HCF)of 14 and 21 is=7
LCM of 14,21
Multiples of 14=14,28,42,56
Multiples of 21=21,42,63,84
Least Common Multiple(LCM)of 14,21 is 42
I am unable to do it in division method because pen and paper are not available for me right now.
Hope It Helps
Step-by-step explanation:
Step 1: Divide the given numbers by the least prime number.
Here, 3 is the least number which will divide 21.
Division Method
Step 2: Write the quotient and the number which is not divisible by the above prime number in the second row.
In the second row, write the quotient we get after the division of 21 by 2. Since 14 is divisible by 2, write 14 in the second row as it is.
Step 3: Divide the numbers with another least prime number.
Step 4: Continue division until the remainder is a prime number or 1.
Prime Factorization Method
Step 5: Multiply all the divisors and remaining prime number (if any) to obtain the LCM.
LCM of 14 and 21 = 2×2×2×3×2 = 42 .