Math, asked by alka6205094343, 1 year ago

find the hcf and lcm of the numbers and verify their products is equal to the product of the numbers 75,125​


Answered by adithyavishu

Step-by-step explanation:

Which of the following statement(s) is(are) correct regarding the root mean square speed (U????m????) and

average translational kinetic energy (???????????? ) of a molecule in a gas at equilibrium ?

(A) ???????????? at a given temperature does not depend on its molecular mass

(B) U????m???? is doubled when its temperature is increased four times

(C) ???????????? is doubled when its temperature is increased four times

(D) U????m???? is inversely proportional to the square root of its molecular massActivity:Complete the table showing the salinity of open and land-locked seas.L 529SK47Supply of freshwaterRiver water Snow waterEvaporation of waterRegionLatitudeSolar EnergyEquatorial0° to 15°HighTropical15° to 35°Temperate35° to 650 LowPolar65° to 90°RainfallPerennialSeasonalHighAverage salinity34%37%o33%31%lowampleRiver waterSnow waterAverage salinitySolar EnergyHighlowlow39%41%Landlocked SeaMediterranean SeaRed SeaBaltic SeaDead SeaCaspian SeaGreat Salt lakeLowlowle7%MediumVery lessVery less332%0155%220%medium

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