Find the HCF of 161,69 and reduce to simplest form!
→Answer :
Thus, 7/3 is the simplified fraction for 161/69 by using the GCD or HCF method.
Thus, 7/3 is the simplified fraction for 161/69 by using the prime factorization method.
Given : Numbers 161 and 69
To Find : HCF
and Reduce 161/69 to simplest form
HCF Highest common factor of given numbers is the largest factors which divides all the given numbers perfectly.
HCF = product of common factors of least power
161 = 7 * 23
69 = 3 * 23
HCF = 23
161/69 = 7 * 23 / ( 3 * 23)
= 7/3
A fraction is in simplest form if Numerator and denominator are co prime.
There is no common factor other than 1 in Numerator and denominator
161/69 reduces to simplest form 7/3
HCF of 161 and 69 is 23
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