Find the HCF of 1760,4048,3632,7608
To find out HCF of three given numbers using division method, Step 1: Find out HCF of any two numbers. Step 2: Find out the HCF of the third number and the HCF obtained in step 1. Step 3: HCF obtained in step 2 will be the HCF of the three numbers.
The HCF of 1760, 4048, 3632, and 7608 is 8.
Step-by-step explanation:
Given: The numbers are 1760, 4048, 3632, and 7608.
We have to find the HCF of the above numbers.
- As we know, the HCF (Highest Common Factor) of two or more numbers is the highest number among all the common factors of the given numbers.
- HCF is also known as the greatest common factor.
We are solving in the following way:
We have,
The numbers are 1760, 4048, 3632, and 7608.
First, we will find the factors of the above numbers.
The factors of 1760 are:
The factors of 3632 are:
The factors of 4048 are:
The factors of 7608 are:
From the above, we can see that 8 is the highest number among all the common factors of the given numbers.
So, the greatest common factor(HCF) is 8.