Find the HCF of 18,27,33 by prime factorization
Step 1 : We divide the bigger number by smaller one. Step 2: Divide smaller number in step 1 with remainder obtained in step 1. Step 3 : Divide divisor of second step with remainder obtained in step 2. Step 4: We will continue this process till we get remainder zero and divisor obtained in end is the required H.C.F.06-Aug-2020
Step 1 : We divide the bigger number by smaller one. Step 2: Divide smaller number in step 1 with remainder obtained in step 1. Step 3 : Divide divisor of second step with remainder obtained in step 2. Step 4: We will continue this process till we get remainder zero and divisor obtained in end is the required H.C.F.06-Aug-2020Brainly · app
Step 1 : We divide the bigger number by smaller one. Step 2: Divide smaller number in step 1 with remainder obtained in step 1. Step 3 : Divide divisor of second step with remainder obtained in step 2. Step 4: We will continue this process till we get remainder zero and divisor obtained in end is the required H.C.F.06-Aug-2020Brainly · appFind the hcf of 18 27 and 33