Find the HCF of the numbers 60 and 76 by division method
HCF (60,76) = 4
hope this helps you.......
To find Highest Common Factor by using Division Method
To find highest common factor by using division method is discussed here.
Finding highest common factor (H.C.F) by prime factorization for large number is not very convenient. The method of long division is more useful for large numbers.
In this method we first divide the greater number by the smaller number. The remainder becomes the new divisor and the previous divisor as the new dividend. We continue the process until we get 0 remainder.
We use the repeated division method for finding highest common factor (H.C.F) of two or more numbers.
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To find Highest Common Factor by using Division Method
To find highest common factor by using division method is discussed here.
Finding highest common factor (H.C.F) by prime factorization for large number is not very convenient. The method of long division is more useful for large numbers.
In this method we first divide the greater number by the smaller number. The remainder becomes the new divisor and the previous divisor as the new dividend. We continue the process until we get 0 remainder.
We use the repeated division method for finding highest common factor (H.C.F) of two or more numbers.
To find highest common factor by using division method we follow these steps:
Step I:
Divide the large number by the smaller one.
Step II:
Then the remainder is treated as divisor and the divisor as dividend.
Step III:
Divide the first divisor by the first remainder.
Step IV:
Divide the second divisor by the second remainder.
Step V:
Continue this process till the remainder becomes 0.
Step VI:
The divisor which does not leave a remainder is the H.C.F. or G.C.D. of the two numbers and thus, the last divisor is the required highest common factor (H.C.F) of the given numbers.
Let us consider some of the examples to find highest common factor (H.C.F) by using division method.
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