Find the LCM and HCF of 6 and 20 by the prime factorisation method.
L.C.M. is 60 and H.C.F. is 3
hope this is helpful for you ✨
We have : 6 = 21
× 31 and 20 = 2 × 2 × 5 = 22
× 51
You can find HCF(6, 20) = 2 and LCM(6, 20) = 2 × 2 × 3 × 5 = 60, as done in your
earlier classes.
Note that HCF(6, 20) = 21
= Product of the smallest power of each common
prime factor in the numbers.
LCM (6, 20) = 22
× 31
× 51
= Product of the greatest power of each prime factor,
involved in the numbers.
From the example above, you might have noticed that HCF(6, 20) × LCM(6, 20)
= 6 × 20. In fact, we can verify that for any two positive integers a and b,
HCF (a, b) × LCM (a, b) = a × b. We can use this result to find the LCM of two
positive integers, if we have already found the HCF of the two positive integers.