find the LCM by listing the multiples 18,15
LCM of 15 and 18 by Method of Common Division
LCM of 15 and 18 by Method of Common DivisionIn this division method, we divide the numbers parallely with prime numbers and stop until we don't have a prime number to divide the given numbers.
LCM of 15 and 18 by Method of Common DivisionIn this division method, we divide the numbers parallely with prime numbers and stop until we don't have a prime number to divide the given numbers. LCM of 15 and 18 by Common Division Method
LCM of 15 and 18 by Method of Common DivisionIn this division method, we divide the numbers parallely with prime numbers and stop until we don't have a prime number to divide the given numbers. LCM of 15 and 18 by Common Division MethodIrrespective of the method, the solution to our question LCM of 15 and 18 is the same.
LCM of 15 and 18 by Method of Common DivisionIn this division method, we divide the numbers parallely with prime numbers and stop until we don't have a prime number to divide the given numbers. LCM of 15 and 18 by Common Division MethodIrrespective of the method, the solution to our question LCM of 15 and 18 is the same.Therefore, LCM (15,18): 90