English, asked by rnsingh21, 7 months ago

Find the LCM of 36, 48 and 54. by common division method.

(Solve Step by Step method)

Suggestion - If you can't solve step by step method in this app.then i have a suggestion - Solve in your copy and post image of your answer....please

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Answered by adhi171


The answer is 2x3x3x3x2x4=432

Answered by lakshmikothapalli788


The answer is 432


step 1 Address input parameters & values.

Integers: 36 48 54

lcm (36, 48, 54) = ?

step 2 Arrange the group of numbers in the horizontal form with space or comma separated format

36, 48 and 54

step 3 Choose the divisor which divides each or most of the integers of in the group (36, 48 and 54), divide each integers separately and write down the quotient in the next line right under the respective integers. Bring down the integer to the next line if the integer is not divisible by the divisor. Repeat the same process until all the integers are brought to 1.

LCM of 36, 48 and 5463648542689434933193113111step 4 Multiply the divisors to find the lcm of 36, 48 and 54

6 x 2 x 4 x 3 x 3 = 432

LCM(36, 48, 54) = 432

The least common multiple for three numbers 36, 48 and 54 is 432

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