Find the LCM of the following numbers by listing multiples 12,16. 15,20. 7,8. 3,4and6. 5,7and 10 Find the PCM of the following by prime factorisation method :-24,60. 10,12,18. 12,48,60. 18,20,30,. 9,15,18,20 Find the PCM of the following by division method 18,36,60,7220,25,30,5048,56,105,2258,12,20,30,809,12,18,24,2722,54,108,135,198Find the least number which is exactly divisible by 14,21,24and42
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Find the LCM of the following numbers by listing multiples 12,16. 15,20. 7,8. 3,4and6. 5,7and 10 Find the PCM of the following by prime factorisation method :-24,60. 10,12,18. 12,48,60. 18,20,30,. 9,15,18,20 Find the PCM of the following by division method 18,36,60,7220,25,30,5048,56,105,2258,12,20,30,809,12,18,24,2722,54,108,135,198Fi
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