Math, asked by anywork471, 1 month ago

find the LCM of the following numbers by the common division method please answer it then I mark as brainliest​



Answered by MauryaMahi


LCM of 2520,1680,3780,3024 is 2

LCM of 2730,1950,3822,1820 is 2

Step-by-step explanation:

  1. to find LCM you first need to write like I have write ans the divide them till the ans comes 1
  2. then write down all prime/divisors on one side and circle/underline common number
  3. when u are done with marking common numbers fine the Lowest commer number that's your answer

*note* you should divide number only by prime number (numbers which are divisible by only 1 and by itself)

hope it helps

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