Math, asked by MS7284, 6 months ago

Find the least number, that must be subtracted from 16142 to obtain a perfect square. Also, find the
square root of the perfect square.​

subhoshreedeb5: 127
msvyadav275: We solve the problem
msvyadav275: square of 127×127=16129 but he given the problem 16142 we subtracted from this we get 13
msvyadav275: least number 13


Answered by user0888

To solve this problem, we need the closest least perfect square.

The square root is more than 400 and less than 401. So, the desired number is 400.

16142 must be subtracted by 142 to get 400². Also, its square root is 400.

user0888: Sorry, my answer is wrong.
Answered by ZAYNN


We know that, if we subtract the remainder from the number, we get a perfect square.

\Large\begin{array}{r |l| l}</p><p></p><p>\sf1&amp; \sf\bar1\bar{61}\bar{42} &amp;\sf127\\</p><p></p><p> &amp; \sf1 \\</p><p></p><p>\cline{1-2} \sf22 &amp;\:\:\sf61 \\</p><p></p><p>&amp; \:\:\sf44 \\</p><p></p><p>\cline{1-2} \sf247 &amp;\:\:\sf1742\\</p><p></p><p>&amp;\:\:\sf1729 \\\cline{2-2} &amp;\:\:\:\:\sf13\end{array}

Here, we get the remainder 13. Therefore 13 must be subtracted from 16142 to get a perfect square.

⇒ 16142 - 13

⇒ 16129

\therefore\:\underline{\textsf{Least number that must be subtracted is \textbf{13}}}.


Perfect Square :

\Large\begin{array}{r |l| l}</p><p></p><p>\sf1&amp; \sf\bar1\bar{61}\bar{29} &amp;\sf127\\</p><p></p><p> &amp; \sf1 \\</p><p></p><p>\cline{1-2} \sf22 &amp;\:\:\sf61 \\</p><p></p><p>&amp; \:\:\sf44 \\</p><p></p><p>\cline{1-2} \sf247 &amp;\:\:\sf1729\\</p><p></p><p>&amp;\:\:\sf1729 \\\cline{2-2} &amp;\:\:\:\:\sf{xx}\end{array}

\therefore\:\underline{\textsf{It is perfect square of \textbf{127}}}.

Anonymous: Nyc...!
Anonymous: perfect
Anonymous: answer
mp553424: nice
nancy359: nice
ZAYNN: thanks y'all ッ
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