Find the least number which when added to 6321 makes it a perfect square
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You might know the trick to evaluate square of any number in form 10a+ 5.
The square of such number is a x (a + 1)/25
For example 45^2 = 4 x 5/25 = 2025
55^2 = 5 x 5/25 =2525
So, as 60^2 = 3600 and 65^2 = 4225, the number 4321 must lie between 65 square and 66 square.
Now, 66^2 - 4321 = 4356 - 4321 = 35
hope you understand by thus example
The square of such number is a x (a + 1)/25
For example 45^2 = 4 x 5/25 = 2025
55^2 = 5 x 5/25 =2525
So, as 60^2 = 3600 and 65^2 = 4225, the number 4321 must lie between 65 square and 66 square.
Now, 66^2 - 4321 = 4356 - 4321 = 35
hope you understand by thus example
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