Math, asked by yash877717, 11 months ago

Find the least number which when divided by 6,15 and 18 leaves remainder 5 in each case

yash877717: solve the questions


Answered by sudevrv
Find lcm of 6,15 and 18
Lcm = 90
90 is the least number divisible by 6,15 and 18 each
Hence 90+5=95 is the least number which gives remainder 5 when divided by 6, 15 and 18 each
Answer : 95
Answered by Dhyanspatel24

Answer : 95

Step-by-step explanation:Find lcm of 6,15 and 18

Lcm = 90

90 is the least number divisible by 6,15 and 18 each

Hence 90+5=95 is the least number which gives remainder 5 when divided by 6, 15 and 18 each

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