Math, asked by manal326, 11 months ago

Find the maximum and minimum distance of the point (3, 4, 12) from the sphere z²+x²+y²=1 using Lagrange’s multiplier method.


Answered by prashilpa


Minimum distance = 12, Maximum distance = 14.

Step-by-step explanation:

Using Lagrange’s multiplier method to find the points on sphere which are near and far is as follow.  

See the attached diagram, point A is near to P and Point B is far from P.  

Identify the objective function and the constraint equation.  

The objective is to find the maximum/minimum distance between any point on sphere and the point (3,4,12)

The center of sphere x² + y² + z² = 1 is at (0,0,0)  

Radius = 1 unit.  

d² = (x−3)²+(y−4)²+(z-12)²  

So the objective function is

f(x,y,z) = d² = (x−3)²+(y−4)²+(z-12)²

The constraint equation is that the point (x,y,z) must be on the given sphere. Rewriting this as g(x,y,z)=0 gives

g(x,y,z) = x²+y²+z² – 1 = 0

According to the method of Lagrange multipliers, the maximum/minimum values occur when

∇f(x,y,z) =λ∇g(x,y,z)  (λ – is the distance from point)

Differentiation of F and G functions, we get

⟨2(x−3), 2(y−4), 2(z-12)⟩ = λ⟨2x, 2y, 2z⟩

This along with the constraint equation gives us the following system of four equations

2(x − 3) = 2λx

2(y − 4) = 2λy

2(z -12) = 2λz

x²+y²+z² =1

x−λx = 3  

x(1−λ) = 3  

x = 3/(1−λ)

Similarly, we get y = 4/(1−λ)

z = 12/(1−λ)  

Substituting these into the last equation gives



169 = (1 – λ)²

1 – λ = 13, -13

λ = -14, 12

x = 3/(1−λ) = 3/15 or 3/11 = 1/5 or 3/11

y = 4/(1−λ) = 4/15 or 4/11

z = 12/(1−λ) = 12/15 or 12/11 = 4/5 or 12/11

The closest and farthest points are (1/5, 4/15, 4/5) and (3/11, 4/11, 12/11)

Distance between (3,4,12) and above points is 14 and 12.

Hence minimum distance = 12, Maximum distance = 14.

Answered by rathnavincyece21

find the maximum and minimum distance of the point (3,4,12) from the sphere z2+X2+y2=1 using Lagrange multiplier method

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