Find the meaning of each word in the dictionary.
1. able____
2. dandy__
3. fabulous__
4. habitat___
5. knight___
6. library____
7. memory___
8. regards___
9. abhor____
10. shine____
Answer: 1) having the power, skill, means, or opportunity to do something
2) a man unduly concerned with looking stylish and fashionable.
3) . extraordinary, especially extraordinarily large.
. a device for slowing or stopping a moving vehicle, typically by applying pressure to the wheels.
4)the natural home or environment of an animal, plant, or other organism.
5) a man who served his sovereign or lord as a mounted soldier in armour.
6) A place where several kinds of books and found.
7) part of the mind where information is stored
8) consider or think of in a specified way.
9) regard with disgust and hatred.
10) give out a bright light.
able -- योग्य
dandy -- रंगीन मिजाज
fabulous -- शानदार
habitat -- वास
knight -- शूरवीर
library-- पुस्तकालय
memory-- स्मृति
regards -- सादर
abhor-- घृणा करना
shine -- चमक