Find the mirror time of 5;15 ?
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Step-by-step explanation:
If the hands of a clock shows 5:15, what will its time be in a plane mirror?
7 Answers

Chloe Thorne
, Graphic Artist, Science Tragic, Faerie Witchdoctor (2001-present)
Answered 3 years ago · Author has 196 answers and 254.1K answer views
Originally Answered: If the hands of a clock show 5.15, what time will its image in a plane mirror show?
5:15 = hour:minute = X:Y
Clock hand angles always follow the formulas (12 counts as 0 o’clock and 0 degrees = straight up):
angle(X) = 30X + 0.5Y
angle(Y) = 6Y
angle(X) = 30X + 0.5Y = 150 + 7.5 = 157.5 degrees
angle(Y) = 6Y = 90 degrees
To obtain the mirror angles subtract these from 360 degrees:
angle(X)2 = 360 - 157.5 = 202.5 degrees
angle(Y)2 = 360 - 90 = 270 degrees
Now work out the new time X:Y using these angles:
6Y = 270 degrees, Y = 45 (minutes)
30X + 0.5Y = 202.5 degrees
30X + 22.5 = 202.5
30X = 180, X = 6 (hours)
The mirror time for 5:15 = 6:45