Find the number of digits in the square root of 4469.
√4469 is already in its simplest radical form. If you are using a computer that has Excel or Numbers, then you can enter SQRT(4469) in a cell to get the square root of 4469. Below is the result we got with 13 decimals. We call this the square root of 4469 in decimal form.
Is 4469 a perfect square?
4469 is a perfect square if the square root of 4469 equals a whole number. As we have calculated further down on this page, the square root of 4469 is not a whole number.
4469 is not a perfect square.
Is the square root of 4469 rational or irrational?
The square root of 4469 is a rational number if 4469 is a perfect square. It is an irrational number if it is not a perfect square. Since 4469 is not a perfect square, it is an irrational number. This means that the answer to "the square root of 4469?" will have an infinite number of decimals. The decimals will not terminate and you cannot make it into an exact fraction.
√4469 is an irrational number
Can the square root of 4469 be simplified?
You can simplify 4469 if you can make 4469 inside the radical smaller. We call this process "to simplify a surd". The square root of 4469 cannot be simplified.
√4469 is already in its simplest radical form.
How to calculate the square root of 4469 with a calculator
The easiest and most boring way to calculate the square root of 4469 is to use your calculator! Simply type in 4469 followed by √x to get the answer. We did that with our calculator and got the following answer with 9 decimal numbers:
√4469 ≈ 66.850579653