Find the number of digits in the square root of six digit number.
Step 1: Split the number into groups. Each group should have two digits from right to left.
Each pair of digits and the remaining digit (if any) is called a period.
Step 2: To find the first digit of the square root, we need to find the number that has its square that would be closest to the first period. The resulting number is the divisor and also the quotient
Step 3: Find the difference between the product of the divisor and the quotient from the first period. To the right of the remainder add the next period. This complete number becomes the new dividend.
Step 4. The new divisor would be the number formed by taking twice the quotient and adding with it a suitable digit 'x' such that the product of the new divisor and x is equal to or just less than the new dividend. If the condition is satisfied x, becomes the next digit of the quotient.
Step 5. Till the periods obtained are taken up continue steps 2, 3 and 4. The resulting quotient is the required square root of the given six-digit number.
so,our answer to
the square root
of 172227 is 415
with 2 remainder.
Step-by-step explanation:
i hope you understand